This live action FOX TV News clip shows the rescue of a woman in Pontiac, Illinois using our ResQ Disc™. The woman, in 40 degree water, was carried in the river’s strong current under several bridges. Using various rescue equipment including a standard life ring and throw bags, the fire department made several attempts to save her… to no avail. As she exited from beneath the last bridge, Pontiac Police Officer, Sgt. Morgan quickly retrieved his ResQ Disc™ from the trunk of his squad car. He quickly and easily threw the ResQ Disc like a frisbee over 100 feet into the middle of the river. The victim grabbed the yellow line and allowed the ResQ Disc™ to slide into her grasp. By submerging the buoyant ResQ Disc™, she got her head above water and tried to relax while Sgt. Morgan, positioned safely on shore, simply pulled her to safety without risking his life. The rescue took less than 60 seconds… Under a minute to save a life!